
Genki Hosono

E-mail address: genki.hosono [at] gmail.com

I am a postdoctral researcher in Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University.

Research interest

I am interested in several complex variables and complex geometry.
In particular, I am interested in pluripotential theoretic properties of (quasi-)plurisubharmonic functions and singular Hermitian metrics.
I am also studying the Ohsawa-Takegoshi L^2 extension theorem.

Papers, preprints
Curriculum Vitae
Mar. 2013 B.S. in Mathematics, the University of Tokyo.
Mar. 2015 M.S. in Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo.
Mar. 2018 Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo.

Employment & Fellowships
Oct. 2013--Mar. 2018 FMSP course student, Leading Graduate Course for Frontiers of Mathematical Sciences and Physics.
Apr. 2015--Mar. 2018 JSPS Research Fellow (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
Apr. 2018-- Project Researcher, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo.

Teaching Assistants:
Summer 2013 Mathematics II (Linear Algebra) (College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo. Lecturer: Akihiro Shimomura)
Winter 2013 Mathematics IB (Calculus) (College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo. Lecturer: Shigeharu Takayama)
Summer 2014 Complex Analysis II (Department of Mathematics, The University of Tokyo. Lecturer: Shigeharu Takayama)
Summer 2016 Complex Analysis II (Department of Mathematics, The University of Tokyo. Lecturer: Kengo Hirachi)
Winter 2016 Set and Topology (Department of Mathematics, The University of Tokyo. Lecturer: Masahiko Kanai)

Takahiro Inayama
Eiji Inoue
Masataka Iwai
Takayuki Koike
Tatsuya Miura